Glenn Gillard
Glenn Gillard
Partner, Sustainability Market Lead

Deloitte Ireland


Glenn is Sustainability Market Lead for Deloitte Ireland with responsibility for bringing our multidisciplinary sustainability services to the market. Glenn has over 25 years experience with Deloitte delivering audit and other services including regulatory change projects, control assurance and other advisory projects predominately in the insurance, investment management and energy sectors. Glenn is working directly on a number of projects related to sustainability reporting including EU taxonomy and CSRD readiness and is the current audit signing partner for ESB Group.

Glenn is an incoming Director on Chapter Zero Ireland and sits on the Advisory Board of the DCU Centre for Climate and Society. He is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland, an elected member of the council of Chartered Accountants Ireland and chairs the Education Board of CAI. 

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Main Stage

Quickfire Update | Reporting and CSRD Progress

Glenn Gillard
Partner, Sustainability Market Lead,
Deloitte Ireland
  • Understanding how lessors are progressing with reporting and CSRD requirements. What are the key questions for lessors?
  • What are the challenges with implimentation?
Workshop Stream

Ask the Experts: Reporting and CSRD Clinic

Glenn Gillard
Partner, Sustainability Market Lead,
Deloitte Ireland

With new reporting requirements coming down the line, get your shop prepared with this hands on workshop.

- CSRD challenges
- The CSRD assurance readiness program and considerations
- Market observations form those who have started working on CSRD

Please note: you MUST be registered in advance to attend this workshop. To sign up, please contact